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Green campus initiatives

7.1.5 Botanical Garden-View1
(Latitude 15: 17: 25.3363190000018...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 49.5210000000081...)
7.1.5 Botanical Garden-View2
(Latitude 15: 17: 24.9741500000018...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 49.1848599999794...)
7.1.5 Botanical Garden-View3
(Latitude 15: 17: 25.4489099999992...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 49.5838399999773...)
7.1.5 Butterfly Garden
(Latitude 15: 17: 23.3474100000021...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 50.7344000000158...)
7.1.5 Landscaping with Trees
(Latitude 15: 17: 24.1475999999966...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 50.8774800000246...)
7.1.5 Landscaping-View3
(Latitude 15: 17: 24.0116100000012...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 51.0140300000200...)
7.1.5 Landscapping with tress view1
(Latitude 15: 17: 26.8852499999993...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 51.3225600000004...)
7.1.5 Landscapping-View2
(Latitude 15: 17: 26.2066300000005...
(Longitude 73: 58: 51.3885800000281...)
7.1.5 Predestrian Friendly Pathway View1
(Latitude 15: 17: 26.8852499999993...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 51.3225600000004...)
7.1.5 Predestrian Friendly pathway View2
(Latitude 15: 17: 20.9899999999980...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 50.2100000000207...)
7.1.5 Authorised Parking for Car
7.1.5 Cycle Parking-View1
(Latitude 15: 17: 19.4899999999979...)
(Longitude 73; 58; 50.4000000000232...)
7.1.5 Cycle Parking-View2
(Latitude 15: 17: 19.7799999999988...)
(Longitude 73: 58: 51.0300000000279...)