center for teaching and learning

The last decade has witnessed dramatic increase in technology incorporated into tertiary education. Students are heavily immersed in Web 2.0 technologies, with ICT (Information Communications Technology) playing an increasingly important role in student life providing countless options for learning. This has definitely impacted the teaching learning process in and outside the classrooms. Economic pressures and new models of education are bringing unprecedented competition to the traditional models of Higher Education among the faculty. Many challenges impacting technology uptake are grounded in everyday realities that often make it difficult for the teaching faculty to learn, adopt, new tools and approaches. There is also lack of support and no appropriate resource channels through which the faculty can address their issues and hope for help. With this backdrop and keeping in mind the current scenario of Higher Education in India and the challenges that we are likely to face in the quest for remapping and revitalization Higher Education and competing with world class Universities, CTL is the need the hour and will benefit all stakeholders. The infrastructure for the centre has been partly funded by RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan)

ICT lab
Keeping in mind the objectives of the Centre, various training programmes are conducted in this Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Lab. The moveable furniture etc makes this a lab wherein besides computer training interactive group discussions can be held. This full environment supports collaborative teaching-learning process.

AV room
E- Content and MOOC Development requires that there be a well-equipped studio that allows faculty and resource persons to records their lectures either synchronously or asynchronous. For which purpose a well-equipped AV room is a necessity. Also this room serves with multiple purpose besides the ones listed above. The AV room is used by various faculty to show clippings, animations, simulations, screen movies and documentaries etc that are subject related for educational purposes.

Flipped Classroom
A Flipped Classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. The main goal in flipping a class is to cultivate deeper, richer learning experiences for students when the instructor is present to coach and guide them. Emphasis is on higher-order thinking skills and application to complex problems. Common activities include: Collaborative learning, Case-based learning, Peer instruction and Problem sets. Therefore this room has been constructed so that the various Flipped Classroom strategies can be easily incorporated.
To contribute towards the growth and advancement of teaching and learning of faculty and students, through the process of training faculty with new technologies, integrating them and involving students in the whole process of learning, thus heading to mould the new generation as lifelong learners
To continue to enhance the knowledge among the faculty to learn, blend and teach significantly with the fast paced dynamically changing technology world. This centre would offer useful inputs for learning, teaching and sharing information, experience and knowledge with the relevant community.
About The College
Chowgule College has been a pioneer in the State of Goa not only by introducing a first course in Computer Education in the year 1996 but also in initiating E-learning in the state of Goa in 2007 with its ICT enabled classrooms, Wi-Fi campus, online admissions and use of a Learning Management System (LMS) in the teaching-learning process. The college has well equipped computer laboratories and a separate department called Office of Information Technology (OIT) that takes care of all IT related services required by the college
Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in enhancing the quality of education is something
that almost everyone is interested in, these days. Concepts like open content, open data, and open
resources, along with notions of transparency and easy access to data and information is becoming a
value. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) are being widely explored as alternatives and supplements
to traditional university courses. The workforce demands skills from college graduates that are more
often acquired from informal learning experiences than in universities. Education paradigms are shifting
to include online learning, hybrid learning, and collaborative models. At the same time, the teaching
paradigms across all sectors too, besides including the above, demand much more teamwork and collaboration.
As the abundance of resources and relationships made easily accessible via the Internet grows, we are ever
more challenged to revisit our roles as educators.
Faculty training still does not acknowledge the fact that digital media literacy continues its rise in
importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession. The demand for personalized learning
is not adequately supported by current technology or practices on campus. Economic pressures and new
models of education are bringing unprecedented competition to the traditional models of higher education.
The emergence of new scholarly forms of authoring, publishing, and researching, outpace sufficient and
scalable modes of assessment. Many challenges impacting technology uptake are grounded in everyday
realities that often make it difficult to learn about, much less adopt, new tools and approaches.
A number of workshops, seminars and training programs in this area are being held regularly.
There are also many conferences and publications in this area. However, still the adoption
and effective utilization of technology in education is low. One of the contributing factors
is the lack of awareness at the level of teachers and institutions, and perhaps the lack of
access to usable resources and inadequate sharing of experiences among those working in this field.
A centre like this will help address this gap, by offering useful inputs and allowing for sharing
of experiences with the relevant community.
The infrastructure for the centre has been partly funded by RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan)
The main objective of setting up of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is to:
- Educate faculty on how to go about integrating ICT in Higher Education effectively by conducting workshops, seminars and provide them with hands-on experience/training.
- Develop E-content for the various courses offered by the college and other educational institutions.
- Innovate, Implement and Share different ICT tools in teaching like Simulation, Gamification, LMS, Mobile Applications, etc.
- Conduct Research related to use of ICT, Learning Analytics, Mobiles, LMS, etc.
- Provide Consultancy services to schools and other Higher Educational Institutions by providing a roadmap for ICT implementation.
- Provide Assessment/evaluation strategies to track student progression to graduation.
Services offered by the Centre
- Provide Training and support through the conduct of programmes and workshops (ICT tools) Science, Language and Social Sciences, (Simulations, FOSS, LMS, Gamification, Mobile applications etc.)
- Develop and Design Evaluation and Assessments Techniques/ Methods.
- Conduct Research that involves studies relating to the Effectiveness of various ICT Tools in Education, Teaching-Learning, Methodologies, Surveys, Learning Analytics etc.
- Provide Educational opportunity for faculty which includes funding opportunities, collaborations/exchange programmes.
- Provide support, consulting and assistance related to Curriculum Design, Development and Innovation.
- Development of E Content
- Assist in development and delivery of Open Online courses / Distance programmes / MOOCs.
- Provide Consultancy Services comprising roadmap for ICT implementations, SWOT analysis, framing Vision and Mission statements, ICT related projects (software development, websites etc.) and Accreditation (NAAC, etc.)
TLE Methods
Pictorial representation of TLE
- A) Assessment Modes
- B) Flipped Learning
- C) Measures adopted-studentcentric
- D) Methods of Teaching and Learning
- E) Resourcesprovidedbyfaculty
- F) Role of IQAC in TLE
- G) Teaching Methods
Pictorial summary
Telegram Tutorial for Teachers
Attendance Tutorial
Mentimeter Tutorial
Skype Tutorial
Jamboard Tutorial
Plickers Tutorial
Tutorial to Edit Your Video
Tutorial to Make Videos on Mobile Phone
Tutorial to Edit Videos On mobile Phone
Tutorial to edit Videos using PC
G-mail Tutorial
Tutorial on Google Forms
Tutorial to Record Video
Contact Details:
Centre Director
Dr. (Ms). Sameena Fernandes e Falleiro
Associate Professor - Department of Computer Science

Contact Email:
Phone: 0832 2759504 / 2759231