FOR STUDENTS: MON-WED-SAT 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.
FOR STAFF: TUE-FRI- 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.
832 2722179


Department of Physical Education and Sports Management is also
known as 'TigersportZ' .
TigersportZ encourages
students to engage in sporting and healthy lifestyle activities.
It provides opportunities for students to participate in
Goa University Inter Collegiate Sports Tournaments, Open Inter
Collegiate Sports Events, Intramural Activities such as Tiger
Fiesta, Tiger Olympics, Fitness Test, Student Sports Club
Activities, Annual Sporting Events such As Walkathon, Marathon,
Tower Run, Campus Run, Women Sports Day, National Sports Day,
Goan Traditional Sports Day etc.
It also manages all the
sports clubs of the college and students sports council.
National Service Scheme (NSS) provides an opportunity to students to become NSS volunteer and work for the society in various ways. The aim of NSS is to give an extension dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institution. This gives an opportunity to the students to get connected to the village/slum masses and become aware of the problems of the village/slum community. NSS evokes social conscience among the students and provides an opportunity to work for the society. NSS was formally launched on 24th September 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation and hence 24th September is celebrated every year as NSS Day.
The broad Objectives of NSS are:
Parvatibai Chowgule College enrols 350 NSS volunteers (the allotted strength) every year and gives them an opportunity to work for the society in several ways. They are guided by four NSS programme Officers.
NSS volunteers are benefited with NSS hours by participating in these NSS activities which helps them to complete their Non-evaluative credits.
NCC Infantry Wing
NCC unit of Parvatibai Chowgule College is one of the oldest units in Goa under 1GOA BN NCC Panaji Goa. The college has been sanctioned a total of 56 vacancies for Senior Wing (female cadet) and Senior Division (male cadet). The tenure of the NCC Cadetship is for three years spread over the period of Six Semesters. On completion of the tenure, the resultant vacancies are filled every academic year. Regular parades are conducted every Friday between 1400 hrs and 1800 hrs for 20 days during every academic year. One Monsoon Trek and one Summer Trek are conducted every academic year. Awareness programmes on various social issues and days of National & International importance are celebrated to give various life experiences to the cadets. The enrolled cadets if interested and selected by 1GOA BN / Directorate Level, gets opportunity to attend various National Level Camps and also International Level Camps. The entire expenditure incurred is borne by the Central Government. Regular NCC Staff from 1GOA BN visits our college for conducting parades related to Army subjects. The cadets have to attend 75% of the parades and one NCC Training Camp of 10 days duration to be eligible for appearing B-Certificate exam at the end of the Second Year. The cadets after passing the B-Certificate have to attend 75% of the parades and one NCC Training Camp of 10 days duration to be eligible for appearing C-Certificate exam at the end of Third Year. The cadets passing B-Certificates will be awarded 4 non-academic Credits and cadets passing C- Certificates will be awarded 6 non-academic Credits by the college. The State Government and Central Government have reserved certain percentage in their recruitment for various vacancies for the cadets holding B & C Certificate.
Community Outreach/Service Programme (COSP)
This outreach program aims at initiating student contributions towards social justice, nurturing students into sensitive, ethical and critically conscious citizens who will contribute responsibly to communities and society. The Community Outreach Program is a component of Non-evaluative credit criteria at undergraduate level. It provides an opportunity to earn 180 contact hours in order to complete 6 non evaluative credits prior to completion of 6th semester. The programme is planned, managed and executed by Chowgule College Social Outreach Cell (CCSOC) of the college comprising a senior faculty as Programme Director, three faculty members as programme officers.
Vision : To facilitate the student community to become socially responsible citizens and to be sensitive to the needs of the disadvantaged sections.
Mission: To create a society with committed youth to promote equality, Justice, education, health and environment for the underprivileged.
The students' council and students' sports council of college are
elected in accordance with the rules and guidelines of Goa
University. The college election committee conducts elections and
the newly elected council undertakes its responsibilities after
the inauguration of students' council every year. Students from
each year of undergraduate and post graduate degree are given
representation in these councils. These council are led by
Chairperson & General Secretary while each elected / nominated
member is allotted individual responsibilities of heading
standing committees. Both the councils are under the guidance of
Faculty Adviser of Students' Affairs
Club system was introduced in 2008. The fundamental objective of
the club system was to empower students to manage and participate
in extracurricular activities. As the club system progressed and
succeeded, today the entire extracurricular activity programme,
accept the ones that are governed under the instruction of
central government is planned executed and governed by student
clubs. Clubs are divided into credit based clubs and non-credit
clubs with the simple understanding that credit based clubs are
authorized to allot credits while the non-credit hour are purely
interest based with no benefit added. The college houses a total
of 44 clubs: 23 sports clubs and 21 co-curricular clubs- that are
authorized to allot credit hours. A unified pattern of
distribution of contact hours for all pre approved activities is
followed by all the clubs. Tiger Club Management Board (TCMB)
comprising of faculty incharge and three student office bearer
supervises the activity of clubs. TCMB reports to Faculty Advisor
of Students' Affairs. Each club has its own managing committee.
Clubs function under the unified club governance guidelines. The
students are eligible to a register online for membership. There
is no fee charged for club membership or activities. Clubs are
also assigned mandatory activities that need to be completed in
order for the club to function properly. The mandatory activities
assigned to clubs include minimum one contact hour per week
focussing on learning a new skill, organise activities within the
campus and permission to attend those organised outside campus
with mandatory attendance at events organised by Goa University.
Clubs are divided into four subdivisions: Sports and Healthy
Lifestyle activity, Literary and community outreach, Art,
Culture, and Music & Life Skill. As on date the college houses a
total of 44 registered clubs: 23 in Sports and Healthy lifestyle
and 21 in other three clusters.