The Department of Botany has been a part of Parvatibai Chowgule College right from its inception in 1962 at Vidyanagar, Aquem, Margao. It was shifted to the present premises in the year 1971. To begin with, Botany subject was introduced at the Under Graduate level. It was the only department recognized by the Bombay University in 1975 in the State of Goa for Ph.D. degree ad achieved immense success in academics as well as in research. After the establishment of Goa University, it continued as a recognized department for research. It has generated 11 Ph.D.s, 1 M.Phil and 5 M.Sc. by research.
The department has completed research projects funded by external agencies such as UGC, CSIR, DST and DSTE, DBT and DOE. Several national and State level seminars and workshops have been undertaken by the Department. The reputation of the department was enhanced when the Department faculty Dr. Sangeeta g. Sankhalkar faculty was awarded prestigious BOYSCAST fellowship 2006- 07 from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. Prof Sangeeta has received INSA fellowship 2020 for undertaking proteomix and genomix work at Central University Hyderabad. She worked on Bioremediation of dairy waste waters using microalgae.
Prof. (Dr.) Sangeeta Sankhalkar is presently the Officiating Principal of the College.
She has completed major research Project from DST (SERB) entitled "Nonenzymatic (Ascorbate induced) antioxidant enzyme protection in rice seedlings (salt tolerant) grown in saline Khazan fields of Goa and its comparison with salt sensitive rice variety". Also has completed UGC minor project on Characterization of Moringa Oleifera for it's antioxidant molecules in vegetative and reproductive tissues.Presently she is working on a major research project entitled "Evaluating the potential of Cyanophycean algal cultures as an ecofriendly biofertilizer for growth of rice plants" sanctioned by DSTE, Goa Govt.
Dr. Uma Masur completed her research Project funded by UGC Western Region Pune.- "Efficacy of leaf and callus extracts of Dysoxylum species against malarial larvae Anopheles stephensi". Research papers are published in Journals with H index.Presently Dr. Uma Masur, Assistant Prof in the Department has a DHE sponsored project- Molecular characterization of Dysoxylum binectariferum Hook. f. regenerated plants invitro by RAPD, SSR and ISR methods.
Mrs. Amisha Pednekar, Assistant Prof is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at Goa University. She is also completed a minor research project sponsored project from DSTE, Goa entitled ,"Understanding Cellulolytic activity of Fungi isolated from litter of coconut trees".
We have student Alumni as a new faculty Mr. Vishal Jamuni who has worked as Project Assistant at National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi, India for 4 months. On project entitled 'A National Mission Mode Program on Nutritional Improvement of Digestible Protein Content and Quality in Rice'.Various research activities undertaken by the faculty has helped the students in getting skill required in research. Field based experiential learning also provides internship opportunities to the students. The department has been able to deliver hundred percent results in the examination conducted by the University. One of our students Ms. Sadiya Khan have obtained First rank at the University examinations.
Vision & Mission
The Department of Botany, Parvatibai Chowgule College aims to build up basic foundations amongst students for skill development in the field of Plant Sciences. To achieve this, the Department offers core and elective courses that provide theoretical and practical component.
Department Faculty