The Department of Economics was among the first Departments to be started when the college was set up in 1962. The Department of Economics at Chowgule College has been the first Department in South Goa to offer specialization in Economics and Econometrics as one of the option. In most professional degrees, ranging from engineering to management, economics is a key component. The analytical ability that economics seeks to develop is the most important skill contribution made by Economics. The study programme also familiarizes students with the art of Econometric modeling and model building. The department has also introduced the Two-years Masters programme in Applied Economics. The department has stayed up-front in introducing innovative courses, programs and novel methods of teaching and learning. Students of the department have performed well consistently and proved their merit by seeking university ranks, awards and prizes. Ex-students of the department occupy high positions in Government, industry and the Service Sectors.
Vision & Mission
Our Mission
The mission of the department of economics is to provide its students with strong theoretical and analytical foundations in economics and to develop their employability and research skills with focus on applicative areas of economics.
Our Vision
Professionally competent, ethically upright and socially concerned students brought about through innovative teaching, learning and evaluation initiatives.
Department Faculty