The department of History is one of the oldest departments of the college, established in 1962. The B.A programme in History aims at enabling the students to analyse primary sources, secondary sources, oral history and develop a spirit of critical inquiry and historical research. It aims at facilitating a critical understanding of the past and applying what they learned to their present. It further facilitates and helps the students to acquire the foundation to pursue higher education to become teachers, historians, archaeologists, academicians and to take up careers in allied fields like journalism, tourism, civil services and law. The department also focuses on greater aims like preparing its students for responsible citizenship, academic excellence and instilling in them human values, intellectual inquiry and respect for diversity
Vision & Mission
Vision: The department of History aims at preparing its students for academic excellence and responsible citizenship and instilling in its students human values, intellectual inquiry and respect for diversity.
Mission: The Department of History offers a wide array of courses in history of Goa, ranging from regional history to world from earliest times to the present, focusing on the political, sociocultural and economic transitions over the years. Some of the unique courses offered by the department which are not offered in any other college in Goa are: Archaeological Studies, Study of Constitution of India, History of South India, History of West Asia, Medieval Europe, Historical Method and Historiography, and World Civilizations.
The courses are designed to enable students to make a comparative study of the past and present societies and cultures. They will develop students’ ability to conduct research. Furthermore, they will be able to analyze historical knowledge and evidence and formulate their opinions orally and in writing.
To facilitate the academic growth of the students, the faculty takes pride in taking seriously its responsibility to teach the courses offered by the department. The faculty does so by completing its portion through the number of lectures assigned to each paper. Furthermore, special attention is given to students who come with their difficulties. The faculty orients the students to make use of the library resources and guides the students to derive the benefits of CLAAP (Chowgules Learn Anytime Any Place). Students are encouraged to develop their writing skills by making use of the guidance from the Writing Centre at the college.
We aim to prepare our students for analyzing and disseminating historical knowledge and skills through internships at Goa State Museum, Panaji and Xavier’s Centre of Historical Research, Porvorim.
In order to fulfill our mission, at all levels, the curriculum emphasizes discussions, debates, and comparative analysis through group discussions, assignments and field studies.
History students will be able to pursue higher education to become teachers, curators, historians, archaeologists and academicians. They will also be able to pursue careers in allied fields like journalism, tourism, civil service and law.
Students who wish to join the department are preferably required to have studied history at the higher secondary level. After joining the department, students will be expected to make use of the resources offered by the college such as the library resources, CLAAP (Chowgules Learn Anytime Any Place), the Writing Centre.
The courses offered by the history department are meant specifically for students who have an interest and appreciation for discovering the past.
Department Faculty