Chowgule College has been producing Mathematicians since 1962. The department flourished under the able guidance of Prof.D.B.Wagh a Mathematical scholar and the first Principal of the college. Chowgule College provides BSc and BA in Mathematics. The department of mathematics has come up with student oriented undergraduate program We have courses designed for students to take on various careers in Mathematics and go for further studies in various fields like pure mathematics, applied mathematics, data analysis, business administration etc. We are fortunate to get students of high calibre who have achieved eminent positions in various fields. Many of our students excel at the university examination.
Vision & Mission
Department of Mathematics was established right with the establishment of the college. Our first principal, D.B.Wagh was a mathematician. He has taken care that our library is well equipped with the sufficient books on the subject. Also we have had very good faculty to the date. When our college opted for autonomy, the department of mathematics decided to come up with student oriented undergraduate program.
1. Unless one does post-graduation in mathematics, it is very difficult to understand the subject. Hence our main focus is on making our students eligible for post graduate program. Papers offered as core and electives suffice the requirements of almost all universities.
2. As our record shows almost all our students have joined teaching profession. Hence our core papers are the ones that make basic concepts, which are essential for school as well as for higher secondary clear. Thus we have two elective papers in mathematical education.
3. A very few students have done research. Keeping that in mind we are running some papers which will give them ample insight to the subject and prompt them to go deeper and do some research.
4. Some elective papers we float are application based that are very important for MBA program and also are useful if one takes computer as his/her career.
5. The teaching method used is chalkboard. Having said that one must note that it consists mainly problem solving practices and regular assignments. Reading Text Books and solving problems from it is very important.
Department Faculty