To further its pursuit of excellence in education, the College has obtained academic autonomy, granted by the UGC in June 2014 and by Goa University in August 2014. Such autonomy gives academic freedom to the College in providing globally relevant education, which allows it to design its programmes, courses, methods of instruction and evaluation systems. Under its autonomous mode, the College has migrated to a Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and a semester pattern of study. In conjunction with the highest possible level of academic input, the College helps students develop necessary skills for employment. To that end, internships in actual workplaces will give students hands-on experience and prepare them for entry into the employment world. Among its various other expected outcomes, autonomy will promote healthy practices such as community service and extension activities for the benefit of society. Chowgule College has been a pioneer in higher education since Goa libration, yet it refuses to rest on its laurels. The acquisition of academic autonomy will propel this institution forward in its stride towards global leadership in imparting higher education that is simultaneously excellent in standards and relevant in application.All Regulations notified by the UGC shall be followed in letter and spirit
UGC Guidelines for Autonomous Colleges
Goa University Statutes related to Autonomous Colleges
Guidelines and Regulations
Learning Outcome Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)
Governing Body
- Governing Body Members w.e.f. 15-04-2024
- Minutes of 1st Governing Body Meeting_13.10.2014
- Minutes of 2nd Governing Body Meeting_18.04.2015
- Minutes of 3rd Governing Body Meeting_11.03.2016
- Minutes of 4th Governing Body Meeting_28.05.2016
- Minutes of 5th Governing Body Meeting_13.06.2016
- Minutes of 6th Governing Body Meeting_26.10.2016
- Minutes of 7th Governing Body Meeting_06.06.2017