The Department of Zoology was established in the year 1962. Initially it was affiliated to the University of Bombay. Subsequently, in 1981 the department was upgraded to teach principal Zoology at undergraduate level. The zoology department has integrated approach of creating good zoologist and organises various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for the holistic development of the students. Concern for the environment and responsibility towards the community is a virtue taught to the students.
Programmes: The department has undergraduate BSc Zoology programme and Post Graduate Genetic division, which has Post graduate Diploma in Clinical Genetics and Medical Lab techniques.
Our Graduate Attributes:
1. Use of Technology and Problem Analysis and Solutions
2. Be conscious of Environment Sustainability, Ethics and Social responsibility
3. Individual and Team work,Communication skills and Life Skills
4. Have Research Aptitude
5. Sound subject knowledge
6. Good practical procedure skills
7. Critical thinking and Problem solving skills
8. Nurture and build Leadership quality
Teaching-Learning Pedagogies: Department faculty are involved in researching and experimenting with student-centric teaching-learning pedagogies. The teaching methodologies adopted by faculty members are focused on making the students independent learners. This is done by adopting integration of strong learning culture, identification of competencies,appropriate teaching pedagogy, design of holistic learning experiences and choice of assessment to cater to different types of learners.
Infrastructure: Teaching-learning process at the department is facilitated with exceptionally well-equipped teaching laboratory, lecture halls, research labs and Museum. The Museum harbors diverse organisms and rare specimen.The genetic Division has Human Genetic Research Lab, with facilities for genetic diagnosis and genotoxicity studies. Research is also facilitated through the Central Research Laboratory of the college.
Special features of the department:
The students are given ample opportunities to enhance their academic skills as wellas soft skills through the co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
1)Student Learning:
o Active learning methods through group activities, cooperative learning strategies, research based learning, research assignments, research projects, group discussions, case studies, project based learning, class quiz, problem based learning, field based studies and student presentations.
o ICT supplemented lectures and practicals
o All course resources are available for the students on College Moodle platform Chowgules Learn Any-time Any Place(CLAAP)
o Industry-Academia lectures: are conducted to enrich the subject knowledge and narrow the industry academia gap.
o Seminars,Workshops, conferences.
o Internships and research project are compulsory. Associations in the form of MoUs and linkages are created to offer research and internship opportunities to students
o Zoobuzz Department Newsletter
o Symbiosis - Intercollegiate Zoology Festival
3)Social responsibility:
o As part of social responsibility, the Third year, students have to carry out mandatory community outreach activities.
4)Green Initiatives:
o Butterfly Garden- Coordinated by students.
o Chowgules Birders Club- A birding club Coordinated by students.
o Vermicomposting on campus - Coordinated by students.
o Awareness drives on Environment consciousness.
5)Student Progression:
On completion of the BSc Zoology programme, most students pursue post graduate degree courses, while some opt to pursue professional diplomas or take up jobs. A total of 15 students have pursued PG degree in Foreign Universities in Netherland, UK, USA,Canada and Australia. Some of the universities which our students pursued MS courses include Groningen University, Netherland; University of Reading, UK, James Cook university Townsville, Queensland,Australia; Deakin University, Melbourne Australia; St. George University, UK;University of Glasgow, UK; Edinburgh Napier University, UK; Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge University, UK; California Baptist University, USA. Also many students pursue higher education in top universities in India.
Dr. Nandini Vaz Fernandes
Head- Department of Zoology
Vision & Mission
'To offer sound knowledge of fundamental andapplied Zoology and empower students with employability skills for placement in wildlife or fishery sector or pursue career as pathological and genetic technician or establish oneself as a researcher.'
Bachelor of Science in Zoology is an undergraduate programme and has a course curriculum with exciting new fields and genuine sense of engagement of lectures, practicals, field activities, projects, assignments and internships for Zoology majors. It is central to the ethos of the Department to value both teaching and research.
The department aims to create Zoologists who are knowledgeable and skilled.
The Undergraduate programme aims to create Zoologists with sound knowledge of fundamental and applied Zoology and empower them with employability skills for placement in wildlife or fishery sector or pursue career as pathological and genetic technician or establish oneself as a researcher.
Curriculum of BSc Zoology at Parvatibai Chowgule College is designed to be knowledge and skills enhancement process rather thanmere knowledge gaining process. The programme offers elective courses which are focused on making graduates employable considering the needs of the employment sectors. The teaching methodologies are student centric and focused on makingthe students independent learners. Information and Knowledge dissemination is through ICT supplemented lectures and practicals and active learning methods through group activities, cooperative learning strategies, research based learning, research assignments, research projects, group discussions, case studies, project based learning, class quiz, problem based learning, fieldbased studies and student presentations. These methodologies foster thinking and analytical skills in students and make them understand the importance ofteam work, enable higher order learning and understand and adopt steps ofproblem solving. Students will be provided e-resources for each theory courseand online journal for the practical component of all the courses.
Internships, research project and community outreach are compulsory component of the curriculum. Industry-Academia lectures are conducted to enrich the subject knowledge and narrow the industry-academic gap.
Faculties of the department have expertise in the field of Human genetics, Genetic epidemiology, Genotoxicity, cell culture, bird and butterfly diversity and molecular genetics. They are actively involved in research activities and have contributed to knowledge in their respective fields through research publications and as resource persons for scientific associations. Faculties have also carried out consultancy projects which benefit the society, and are engaged in carrying out community outreach activities along with the students.
The department also has Student exchange programme with Tullinge Gymnasium in Sweden, for research. Internship is compulsory componentof the programme, for which we have linkages with the Forest department,Fishery department, Research institutes and hospitals.
To make students more responsible and understand the process of organizing events, the department has student focused activities, newslettersedited by students. To sensitize the students to avian-diversity and conservation, we have Chowgules Birders Club. Research projects and research assignments will acquaint students with scientific method and research process.
The students completing the course may seek employment in Wildlife, Fishery, Genetic and Research Sectors. Curriculum of BSc Zoology, also facilitates students to look at entrepreneurship opportunities in Pisciculture, Ecotourism and Animal husbandry.
This programme is designed to produce skilled professionals inorder to cater to the need for genetic or pathological technicians in Hospitals and laboratories. Focusing on the skill enhancement is an integral part of the programme.
Programmes Offered
Department Faculty