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VIBRANT GOA'S AMAZING GOA GLOBAL BUSINESS SUMMIT 2024 - awareness talk - change in timing - @12.30 on 21st Oct (today)

Dear Students
Vibrant Goa is organising AMAZING GOA GLOBAL BUSINESS SUMMIT in Goa. This event presents a unique opportunity for the students (as a volunteer) to engage in international trade discussion and network with industry leaders. It allows students to develop valuable connections that can lead to overseas placements. This summit will not only enhance students' understanding of global business dynamics but also provide them with firsthand experience in networking and international trade practices.

In view of the above event, the representatives from Vibrant Goa will address the students of our college on Monday, 21st October at 12.30pm in the Lower Auditorium. Students of UG and PG are required to attend the awareness talk and avail the benefit.

Vice Principal